
C.L.A.P. is a biannual zine and a creative collective. 
Everyone should get the C.L.A.P. 

We support progressive feminist expressions and the subversion of xenophobia.

To promote creative freedom.
To eradicate exclusivity.

To conquer the simple binary of Women versus Men, because:
1. It's ignorant. And cliche.
2. "Versus" pit individuals against each other. Verses bring people together.
3. It's a culture war steeped in ignorance (Hello to queers and everyone else in the Ven diagram of cross-cultural connections).

To act as a platform for positive discussion and solidarity.

Three years after a group of rocking, intelligent Minneapolis women started a support network called Creative Ladies Are Powerful, C.L.A.P. blossomed into a quarterly 'zine in 2010. Now a biannual publication, it strives to nurture community of those unafraid of the creative nitty gritty.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are you a feminist publication?

How do I get C.L.A.P. to sponsor an event? 
Just ask! Preferably through email: creativeladiesarepowerful@gmail.com.

What are you looking for in terms of submissions?
The question should be: what aren't we looking for? The answer would be shorter. In the past, people have submitted song lyrics, business tips, recipes, drawings, poems, cultural critiques.
Issue "themes" act as inspiration, not boundaries. Our aim is to provide a safe, accepting space to share and express. We do not edit any piece that is submitted, unless requested. Specifications in terms of length and size can be found here.
We have yet to reject a submission, but submissions at odds with C.L.A.P.'s mission will not be accepted.

Why do you use the term "ladies?" It sounds so formal, sexist, flowery, etc...
Honestly, C.L.A.P. is our sly wink to STD awareness, but we get that "Lady" can be an offensive term. Instead of ignoring it, we're owning it. For us, real "ladies" don't ignore sex, sexuality, gender or racial constructions.

I'm not a traditional artist. Can I still be part of C.L.A.P.?

Can only women, or people that identify as women, contribute to C.L.A.P.?
Nope. But we ask that all our contributors support our mission.

When do new issues of C.L.A.P. come out? 
Right on the soltices is ideal, but sometimes life happens.