Sunday, December 23, 2012

New year, new changes in store for C.L.A.P.!

As 2012 comes to an end and we rejoice in the fact that the Mayans were apparently totally wrong, we've been reflecting here at C.L.A.P. headquarters about the future. That reflection has brought to our attention a few things that could stand to be improved upon, so in the spirit of new beginnings, here are some changes we have in store for 2013:

New publication schedule! 

Starting this year, C.L.A.P. will be moving from a quarterly to a biannual publication schedule. The reasons behind this are numerous, but can be summed up in saying that three months go by really, really fast and we want everyone (contributors and everyone involved with putting C.L.A.P. together) to have more time to do so. We love what we do and, as many a creative woman can tell you, one of the worst things about pushing yourself too hard is burn out. the spirit of being healthy and happy (two keys for sustained creative effort), we will now being doing a Fall/Winter issue and a Spring/Summer issue.

What this means for upcoming issues: We will have six months to work on each issue. Contributions for upcoming issues will be accepted anytime after the publication date and theme of the issue are released, which should be soon after the most recent issue is released. That gives everyone a lot more time to ponder and get inspired about how to best express themselves. Stay tuned to hear more about our Spring/Summer 2013 issue!

What this means for C.L.A.P. subscribers: Current subscribers will still receive four total issues of C.L.A.P., though it may take longer to fulfill this number depending where you are on your subscription cycle. NEW subscriptions will still be for a year, and are available at a 20% off discounted price through our Double Peace etsy shop.

What this means for the Winter 2012 issue:  In the spirit of having a more relaxed publication schedule, our Winter 2012 issue will be coming out at the end of January (yes, I realize this means it will technically be 2013, but just ignore that for now).

This means that WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR THE OUTERSPACE, DREAMS AND OTHER DEEP THEMES ISSUE! To contribute, email us at creativeladiesarepowerful at gmail dot com.

Our apologies to any contributors who were anxiously waiting to see the Winter issue before the end of the year—we promise the wait will be worth it! PROMISE! We have all kinds of trippy shit ready to run in this upcoming issue, from recipes to dream analyses (email creativeladiesarepowerful at gmail dot com to submit YOUR dream for analysis now!) to a tutorial on making god's eyes to an essay on my personal favorite band of all time, Fleetwood Mac.

What this means for events: C.L.A.P. will now throw two larger events yearly to celebrate the release of each issue. Stay tuned to hear more about our mid-winter party, in the works and guaranteed to melt away the winter blahs!

Questions or comments about our new schedule or to contribute, email creativeladiesarepowerful at  gmail dot com.

Happy holidays everyone! Hope 2012 ends on a high note for you all!

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